
Shoe Bathtub

If you are women and love shoes, you would love these shoes bathtub. These Shoe Bathtubs by Italian SICIS, the bathtub is entirely covered in an artistic way with glass mosaic, looks like a luxurious shoe, beautiful.

Dynamic Lamp - Hand-Powered Lamp

Karin Johansson's lamp looks like a a globe of the Earth, powered by your hands. It transforms kinetic energy to light, through a dynamo placed inside the globe. As you spin it, it glows. Johansson explains: "The dynamo has fascinated me since before I knew what it was. I fell asleep to the sound of it when I was two years old sitting on the back of my mother's bike. My Dynamic Lamp is a part of the wireless society. It doesn't need any power supply or batteries, it just works with your own energy. It is based on the idea of producing your energy where you are, instead of transporting it in all directions across the earth. The sole by-product is exercise." Jump more watch a video of the lamp in action.

this product is a "fake" product. it's taken from www.konstfack.info witch is a degree project in it self.


DJ Hero

Activision's will release three new titles this fall - Guitar Hero 5, Band Hero and DJ Hero. The new DJ Hero is a all-new turntable controller and featrue "diverse music genres including hip-hop, R&B, Motown, electronica and dance". They claim that "DJ Hero transforms players into DJs who rule the club scene by creating original mixes of popular songs and music from the world's most exciting artists and DJs." Guitar Hero 5 features the hottest rock and roll artists today as well as classic rock bands and gives players an unprecedented level of control over the way they play the game with the ability to drop in and out of songs and change band members, instruments and difficulty levels on the fly.

Source ... Price: $TBA BUY

Le Sens Propre


Cisma's "Le Sens Propre" from glossy inc on Vimeo.

Stunning work! Le Sens Propre is a short film written and directed by Blacklist's Cisma for Adobe��s Shortcut to Brilliant campaign for CS4 (Creative Suite 4).

Forget by Michael Fragstein

Forget from Michael Fragstein on Vimeo.

I will look for nice videos. Music Video for VANIA AND THE MASTER, done by Vania Oliveira, Moritz Reichartz and Michael Fragstein at BÜRO ACHTER APRIL.

Rob Roy "Fur In My Cap"


Rob Roy "Fur In My Cap" Director: Ethan Lader from ethandirector on Vimeo.

Logitech Black Edition Wireless Hero Guitar for PS3 and PS2

The Logitech's Black Edition Wireless Guitar Controller($199) for PS3 and PS2. It features use the real materials, includes solid guitar's body, real wood neck, metal frets and tuning peg handles and rosewood fingerboard and with the "minor construction updates" based on user's feedback. They say "it still feels great in the hands and balances comfortably on its strap, and the buttons and strum bar are as quiet and responsive as the original Premier Edition." It will be available in the U.S. later this month and the Europe in June.

Source ... Price: $199USD BUY

Wooden Volkswagen Bus by Lee Stoetzel

Artist Lee Stoetzel has made a wooden life-size Volkswagen Bus! The VW Bus is a one-to-one scaled 75" x 165" x 67 1/2", and is crafted from pecky cypress wood and steel. "We build houses and think that we have controlled space, yet nature winds its way into those materials. The sculptures I have built light up to emphasize the power of natural form. ", Stoetzel say.

BBQ Branding Iron.... HAHA

If your meats always stole by your friends, you will love this tool - BBQ Branding Iron. The BBQ Branding Iron(GBP 15; June 2009) allows you to brand your message(or your name) on your meat. You can customize two lines of letters, lock them and shove the iron in the barbie. Then hot brand your meat�C phsstt! Use it on steaks, chops, chicken, burgers or even (gasp!) tofu. A good idea, I love it!


Jason Hawkes's aerial photography.

Fluid Faucet

The Fluid Faucet by Köhler Design, doubles as a drinking fountain, let you drink water more easily."Push the nose of FLUID down to wash your hands. Push it up to rinse your mouth or simply to drink some fresh water. The more you push up or down, the more water will flow out. In the level position the water will stop. With the turning knob at the side, the temperature can be adjusted to ones preference. "

Study Ball, the Gadget for Students

A 20-pound ball attached to a shackle and with Study Time Left (set up to four hours) for you or you kids have to keep studying, wow...what's that and if you need one?"The Study Ball gadget($115usd) is a prison-style ball and chain that you can program to keep track of how much time you spend studying. Once you've selected the desired duration, you chain the ball to your ankle and the manacle won't come off until the schedule study time is up. A red LED indicator displays the "Study Time Left" and keeps you informed as to how much longer you've got to keep studying. The ball and chain are made of highly durable steel and weighs a total of 9.5 kg / 20.95 pounds, which makes it difficult to move while wearing it. "